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The road to gallows

Posted by ABC Tuesday, 12 February 2013 0 comments

Terrorism has always posed a severe threat to the sovereignty of our nation. A legion of innocent citizens has succumbed to this unpredictable violence unleashed on them by some insane individuals who have developed a morbid craze to revel in the agony of their brethren. This violent rage, therefore results in disastrous consequences for the country. Firstly, these aberrations tend to balkanise the nation along ethnic lines and generate a feeling of hatred and resentment among the people of one community towards the people belonging to other communities. Secondly, an outbreak of violence provides an opportunity to the hate-mongers and the demagogues to stir the passions of disgruntled individuals who are provoked to take to arson and rioting, blatantly violate all rules and regulations and thus pose a challenge to the security forces of the nation. Thirdly, it results in widespread death and destruction and therefore jeopardizes the very political motive for which such barbaric activities are carried out.

India being a sovereign, secular republic has ensured the security of its citizens as its highest priority. It has always upheld the fundamental rights of an individual and offered him/her a chance to fair trial. In such a scenario, if the perpetrators of violence who have admitted their involvement in their respective crimes and have been awarded adequate punishment by the court of law, pardoning them on human grounds does not make any sense. Who will account for the miseries of the victims, the loss of innocent lives and the destruction of resources? Who will justify the attack on the dignity of the nation and the vandalisation of its culture?

The rejection of clemency petitions and subsequent awarding of death penalty to various accused has beleaguered the intelligentsia as well as the media who find such punishment inhuman and a violation of human rights of the accused. On one hand, development of zero tolerance level for terrorism is their primary agenda, while on the other hand they term the execution of such condemned individuals at the gallows as shameful episodes I the history of humanity and demand a moratorium on death penalty. Death is undoubtedly not a moment for celebration. But it is imperative for us to abide by the laws for a secure, crime-free society – even if it involves stringent punishments like death penalty. Only then, do such episodes serve as deterrent to the future hostile forces.
People have a right to sympathise with the accused and practice human virtues like compassion, benevolence, mercy et cetera. But we must realize that punishment exists only because of the existence of crime in the society and not the other way round. The road to gallows is taken as the last path when all efforts to warn an individual who has embarked to the world of crime, turn futile. Let us not trivialise the decisions of the government and the court of law and term them as acts of vengeance or betrayal of faith, in our haste to outpour our views.



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